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Safariland QUBL Universal Belt Loop - 2.25 Belt Width
Item: 9SF-QUBL-1-2
Brand: Safariland

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The QLS Universal Belt Loop (QUBL) allows the user to easily raise and lower their holster from Low-ride, Mid-ride or High-ride holster height positions without any tools. Based on the VUBL design, the QUBL sits close to the body and is extremely adaptable, enabling quick attachment and detachment of gear from the QLS mounting platform.
SELECT `I`.`ListID`, `I`.`ProductID`, `I`.`ItemGroup`, `I`.`ItemColorID`, `I`.`ItemColor`, `I`.`ItemSizeOnly` AS `ItemSize`, `I`.`ItemLength`, `I`.`RequiredAlterationID`, `I`.`ProspectItem`, MAX(`S`.CatID) AS CatID, `I`.`SalesPrice`,`I`.`SalesPrice` AS `WebPrice`, `I`.`AltShowListID`, `I`.`InventoryOnly` FROM `tbl_items` `I` LEFT JOIN `tbl_items_search` `S` ON (`I`.`ItemID`=`S`.`ItemID`) AND (`S`.`CatID` = '2076') WHERE (`I`.`ItemGroup` = '9SF-QUBL-1-2') AND (`I`.`ShowOnlyLocal` = '1') AND (`I`.`IsActive` != '0') AND (`I`.`SpecialGroupID` Is Null OR `I`.`SpecialGroupID` = '0') GROUP BY `I`.`ListID` ORDER BY `I`.`ProspectItem`, IFNULL(`I`.`ItemColor`,'ZZZZZZ'),`I`.`SizeSort`,`I`.`ItemSize`, `I`.`ItemLength`